back icon Back Insights 08/02/2024

Enhancing Travel Booking Engines with Search by Landmark

Travel trends are constantly shifting, but iconic landmarks like the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower? Those are stationary. That’s why today’s travel booking engine features are expanding to include landmark-based searches. Search by landmark booking engines also referred to as point-of-interest travel booking engines, give a new (and improved) definition to destination-driven travel.

So, what is landmark-based search in the context of travel booking engines? Search by landmark allows users to enter the name or address of a famous landmark — like the Hollywood Sign or Big Ben — into a travel booking engine and receive a curated list of activities, accommodations, and transportation options nearby. Here’s what you need to know about this revolutionary feature. 

Benefits of Search by Landmark Travel Booking Engines

Nearly all travelers (95%) will participate in at least one in-destination activity when visiting an area away from home. When it comes to the most popular trip activities, visiting natural attractions, cultural or historical landmarks, and museums or art galleries are the three activities that lead the pack. Now, imagine if users could specifically tailor their trip searches to these activities.

With search by landmark travel booking engines, it’s possible to find activities and accommodations near landmarks and similar popular attractions with just a few clicks of a button. That’s just one of the key benefits of landmark-based search: an enhanced user experience. Travelers can quickly identify lodging, transportation, and activities without sifting through irrelevant results.

This new iteration of travel search engine optimization immediately tailors results to user preferences and proximity to landmarks, enhancing traveler satisfaction and increasing the likelihood of booking. Search by landmark functionality even allows users to find the right areas for activities like dining and shopping, offering a competitive advantage in today’s crowded market. 

Technical Implementation of Landmark-Based Booking Engines

As one of the more innovative travel booking features, landmark-based search involves several technical components. That begs the question, what are the technical requirements for implementing this feature? The most critical technical requirement is geospatial data integration, the function that gives internet booking engines the ability to conduct location-based searches.

The other two essential elements of search by landmark travel booking engines are an intuitive interface design and efficient mapping and search algorithms that enable users to craft custom destination-based travel itineraries. Integrations with various travel APIs — like flight and hotel booking APIs — fortify landmark-based functionality so users can book directly through search.

Best Practices for Implementing Landmark-Based Search

Travelers have increasingly high expectations for convenience. Search by landmark travel booking engines deliver on that desire for convenience; however, there are still several best practices to ensure that travelers receive the most optimal booking experience possible. Most importantly, landmark-based search must be easy to use, with clear instructions and intuitive navigation.

Smart phone depicting search tools while traveling.

Further, it’s wise to utilize user data — such as previous searches, past travel preferences, and other personalized details shared by travelers — to customize their search results. For example, a traveler who frequently searches for and books luxury accommodations would likely prefer to see results for five-star hotels near their preferred landmark rather than shared hostels or roadside motels. 

How can travel platforms market this feature to attract more users — and gather more relevant data? Highlight travel booking engine features like landmark-based search and personalized travel search in promotional materials to capture the attention of more travelers. Advertising these emerging travel technology trends positions brands as leaders in their respective fields. 

Add Landmark-Based Search to Your Travel Booking Engine with arrivia

From hotels and resort chains to airlines and activity providers, adding landmark-based search to a travel booking engine can significantly enhance both user experience and brand competitiveness. By presenting everything a user needs for destination-driven travel, these advanced travel search features boost bookings and traveler satisfaction, a win-win situation for everyone involved. 

As you can see, there are several technological requirements to configure a search by landmark travel booking engine, including geospatial data integration, user interface design, and mapping and search algorithms synced via a variety of travel APIs.

For support in implementing landmark-based search and similar innovative travel solutions, reach out to the experts at arrivia today.